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Perrito canasta - unique piece

Perrito canasta - unique piece

Regular price 1.024,00 Kč
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CZ Perrito canasta, vytvořený z leštěné hlíny, elegantně sedí na svých dvou zadních tlapkách. Tento roztomilý tvor v živé mexické růžové barvě nese košík, který je ladně vyvážen nad jeho hlavou. Každá křivka ručně vyrobené sošky zachycuje pocit rovnováhy a elegance, zatímco živá barva a jemné detaily odrážejí bohaté kulturní dědictví.

Tento půvabný kousek nejenže přináší do vašeho prostoru nádech barvy, ale také vypráví příběh o poutě mezi lidmi a jejich věrnými společníky.


ENG Perrito canasta crafted with burnished clay is poised elegantly on its two hind paws, this endearing creature, rendered in a vibrant Mexican pink, holds a basket gracefully balanced above its head. Each curve of the hand-crafted figure captures a sense of balance and poise, while the vibrant color and intricate details reflect a rich cultural heritage.

This charming piece not only brings a burst of color to your space but also tells a story of s bond between humans and their loyal companions.




What's barro betus?

Barro Betus figures are handcrafted figurines made from clay, primarily in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. These figures are part of the traditional Mexican folk art known as "barro," which refers to clay or earthenware. The term Barro Betus specifically refers to the style of figurines that often depict human characters or animals, typically reflecting aspects of Mexican rural life, culture, or popular traditions.

The figures are molded and painted by hand, often in bright, vibrant colors. They are made using local clay, and artisans from Jalisco are known for their exceptional skill in shaping and decorating these pieces. The figures often feature exaggerated, whimsical, or expressive forms, making them unique decorative items. These handmade works are highly valued both as artistic expressions and as cultural representations of Mexican craftsmanship and heritage.

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